Biking to work: Job cyclist at ERNST

Company | March 1, 2021

Spring is coming, and what could be better than getting active with the first rays of sunshine and arriving at work fit and full of energy?!

Likewise, saving carbon dioxide (CO2) is a global issue that everyone can make a big contribution to on their way to work: Anyone who rides a bike twelve kilometers a day instead of driving a car produces around one kilogram less CO2. This means that in a year with 254 working days, a cyclist can save more than 200 kilograms of CO2.

We are happy to help protect the environment and support our employees by partnering with Jobrad.

And to do even more justice to our responsibility for the planet, we have also decided to use certified green electricity from EWS Schönau. This reduces our CO2 emissions from electricity consumption by 100%.

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Individuelle Stromkennzeichnung 2019