Girls’Day 2022

Company | April 28, 2022

Today is Girls‘Day – a national campaign day that gives schoolgirls the opportunity to get a taste of professions in which women have so far been rather rarely represented, such as technology, craft sector or information technology. The aim is to get girls more interested in new career fields that deviate from traditionally female job profiles and offer more opportunities for the future. Because it still exists: the influence of gender stereotypes on career choices.

Today we had a young schoolgirl from the region as our guest. For her, it was an exciting insight into the so far unfamiliar profession of a precision mechanic. And for us – a good opportunity to present our company and our craft to the young generation in a practical way.

Whether for girls or boys – our work is fun and varied for everyone – regardless of gender. Therefore, we are looking forward to receiving applications for the still open apprenticeship offers in machining or precision mechanics!